Corporate Responsibility

Community Healthcare Trust believes in maintaining strong corporate governance and ethical business practices. Engaging in the communities where we operate and minimizing our environmental impact is beneficial to all our stakeholders – shareholders, tenants, and employees alike. Implementing smart ESG policies is essential to delivering long-term superior results, resilience and sustained excellence.

Key objectives of our ESG policies are:

  • Provide an innovative source of capital to healthcare providers in local communities – including many underserved markets
  • Support our employees and tenants with a safe and healthy environment
  • Partner with our tenants to develop creative solutions to protect our environment
  • Deliver long-term, consistent returns to our shareholders
  • Serve as a well-regarded member of the communities in which we operate

Please click on the link to view the Company’s ESG Guidelines.

ESG Guidelines >

Community Healthcare Trust’s inaugural Corporate Sustainability Report below highlights the Company’s commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and good governance practices (ESG). This comprehensive report showcases our ESG progress to date, while also acting as a blueprint for future sustainability endeavors, outlining our newly created goals, strategies, and targets for the years ahead.

2023 Corporate Sustainability Report

Corporate Sustainability Report


CHCT is committed to sustainable practices, which we intend to embed in our acquisitions, asset management, and risk management processes. Integrating sustainability into our core business practices reduces risk – including risk from climate change, improves the efficiency of our building operations, creates value for our shareholders and communities, and protects our planet.

Key areas of focus include:

  • Benchmarking and monitoring utility usage with the goal of reducing waste whenever possible
  • Utilizing LED lighting, high-efficiency HVAC units, and low flow water fixtures on all newly developed and renovated buildings
  • Providing recycling services at our properties where recycling is available
  • Educating tenants with strategies for minimizing their environmental impact

Please click on the link to view the Company’s Environmental Policy.

Environmental Policy


CHCT recognizes the value that each of our employees brings to our clients every day and seek ways to further support and engage them. We believe that employee engagement creates a virtuous cycle of work satisfaction and superior customer service which, in turn, provides long-term value for our shareholders and the communities we serve.

Key areas of focus and commitment include:

  • Supporting our employees through a competitive benefits package, philanthropic support, training, and education
  • Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our employees and tenants
  • Affirming the principles contained in our Employee Handbook and Prohibiting discrimination of any kind
  • Continuing to be responsible members of our community

Please click on the link to view the Company’s policies on Human Capital Support and Development and Human Rights.

Human Capital Policy

Human Rights Policy


A central tenet of the Company’s founders was to design a corporate governance structure that was in complete alignment with its common shareholders. In addition, the Board of Directors and senior management are actively engaged in assessing and managing risk, whether the result of improper actions, natural disasters, or other violations of Company policy.

We are committed to:

  • Implementing policies and procedures in alignment with our shareholders, including our Clawback Policy
  • Adhering to our code of Ethics and Business Conduct
  • Utilizing our internal audit function to centralize risk management and ensure that risks are appropriately identified, analyzed, and managed
  • Fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, and equality

Please click on the link to view the Company’s latest 10-K and Proxy Statement for details on Corporate Governance.

2024 10-K

2024 Proxy Statement